Sample generate tags file command ctags -f {tag file location} --recurse --langmap=C++:.C.h.c.cpp.hpp --languages=C++ --extra=+q --fields=+i --verbose {source parent folder e.g. /usr/my_source/} After tag file generated, addset tags={tag file location 1}, {tag file location 2} to .vimrc in VIM type
:set tags={tag file location 1},
{tag file location 2}
or add it to .vimrc
in VIM
For ultraedit, the ctag parameter is -L %fi -f %fo --language-force=C++ --extra=+q --fields=+i
If using VIM as editor, the supported commands are
:ts - tag, class definition as priority
:tj - tag (can use /pattern or /^pattern. Since it is pattern search, it is not binary search mode which would be slow)
:po or ctrl + 't' - older tag search stack
ctrl ']' on selected text to call tag search directly.
: or to scroll for previous calls
(refer )
VIM commands which is useful when use in conjunction with ctags shift + * - start to search this word in the document shift + # - start to search this word in the document (backward order) n - continue to search forward the word shitf + n - continue to search backward for the word. :e - to reload the current document in VIM. / (command mode) - to search for a word (using regex if supply) in forward order ? (command mode) - to search for a word (using regex if supply) in backward order. :file - to show current edit/view file in VIM ctrl + [ or ctrl ] or ctrl % - nagivate source files. :e - to open another file as another page buffer in VIM. :E - to open another file using a file explorer of VIM :bn - move to next page buffer in VIM. :bp - move to previous page buffer in VIM. :bd - close current page buffer in VIM. :files - show all page buffer loaded in VIM. :%s///g - to replace all the source string to destination string.
If run Ctag from the shell, type vim -t {tag file} and then select which tag position to start edit with
You have to install 'exuberant-ctags' package in Ubuntu. The GNU Emacs version is not accepting normal parameters. I don't know the reason. But this works for me after I install the above mentioned package.
When you try to close a PST. The error message "operation failed, object could not be found" pop up. After you have tried scanpst and detect and repair. Still won't work. Solution. (a hard way) Start Regedit Go to Key HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Microsoft Outlook Internet Settings Where "Microsoft Outlook Internet Settings" is the Outlook profile name that has problem. (note: Outlook support multiple profile even for same Windows login) In the HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Microsoft Outlook Internet Settings, you will see a bunch of long string sub keys in it Like in the format of GUID, like e.g. 75d1fa940a0d3a4497130516edbde90e Then, start at the very first sub keys of HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Microsoft Outlook Internet Settings. Right click on sub key, Select Find (menu) And then, ...
It always a headache for non tech savvy users to transfer their old iPhone app and data to new iPhone. Despite all the effort by Apple with well thought out UX design to make it as intuitive as possible for users to do it themselves. It is still a hair pulling feat to take on. The worse part is that I notice Apple UX do not like to explain anything in written words, they would expect that you follow the flow of UX intuitvely. Many if not majority of iPhone users would have problem doing this easily perhaps their intuition is not the same as Apple employee most of the time. I checked Apple website on how to do it, there is also no clear instruction how to do it. Their instruction is simply - "trust my program process, i will get you there somehow". There is no transparency in the instruction unless you walk to Apple store in your town and talk to Apple employee to guide you. Comparing to Andoid phone, it seems like Apple are not so keen on helping their user to transfer data...
This is using XML feature of the SQL server. (nothing new here) select Type, RestaurantNames from Restaurant AS A CROSS APPLY (SELECT RestaurantName + ',' FROM Restaurant AS B WHERE A.Type = B.Type FOR XML PATH('')) D (RestaurantNames) GROUP BY Type, RestaurantNames This is to get something like below (similar to MYSQL GROUP_CONCAT) Type |RestaurantNames ----- --------------- Chinese Food | Ah Yat Abalone, Liang Yah Yong Tau Foo, Indian Food | Kanna Curry House, Western Fast Food | Burger King, McDonald instead of multiple rows. like Type |RestaurantName ----- --------------- Chinese Food |Ah Yat Abalone Chinese Food |Liang Yah Yong Tau Foo Indian Food |Kanna Curry House
$ ctags --version
ctags (GNU Emacs 22.1)
$ ctags --recurse *
ctags: unrecognized option `--recurse'
Try `ctags --help' for a complete list of options.
$ ctags --version
Exuberant Ctags 5.7, Copyright (C) 1996-2007 Darren Hiebert
Compiled: Jun 11 2008, 21:08:30
Optional compiled features: +wildcards, +regex