Viewing STL container in VS.NET 2003 watch windows
For a vector, you can start with these examples:
"v._Myfirst" -> the first element
"v._Myfirst, 10" -> 10 elements
"v._Myfirst[1]" -> the element at index 1
"v.size()" -> number of elements
For a list:
"l._Mysize" -> number of elements
"l._Myhead->_Next->_Myval" -> the first element
"l._Myhead->_Next->_Next->_Myval" -> the second element
"l._Myhead->_Next->_Next->_Next->_Myval" -> the third element, etc.
"v._Myfirst" -> the first element
"v._Myfirst, 10" -> 10 elements
"v._Myfirst[1]" -> the element at index 1
"v.size()" -> number of elements
For a list:
"l._Mysize" -> number of elements
"l._Myhead->_Next->_Myval" -> the first element
"l._Myhead->_Next->_Next->_Myval" -> the second element
"l._Myhead->_Next->_Next->_Next->_Myval" -> the third element, etc.