From Microsoft Developer Guide - Signing Assembly
Happen to read the Microsoft Developer Guide that my colleague received in the Ms Technet in Sunway Pyramid. Found a few useful tips. (well, although this could be easily found in MSDN or by googling) But want to jot it down for my future references.
Create a key pair and sign the assembly
Sign assembly. Run “sn” utility, add the key file by hand, or use IDE to generate strong name.
1. In the solution explorer, double click on the AssemblyInfo.vb and edit.
2. Modify AssemblyTitle and AssemblyDescription lines to be
- < Assembly: AssemblyTitle(“ClassName”) >
- < Assembly: AssemblyDescription(“.NET Version of PhysServer”) >
3. In the solution Explorer, right click project node, choose “Properties”. Click “Common Properties” folder and then “Strong Name” property page. Select box labeled “Generate Strong Name Using”. Click “Generate Key” to generate a key file and add to the project. Click OK then, build.
Register Assembly and create type library
Go to Ms Visual Studio .NET tools shortcut – Command prompt
Regasn /tlb:YourClassLib.tlb YourClassLib.dll
(for deploying application for COM access)
tlbexp YourClassLib.dll /out: YourClassLib.tlb
(for converting COM to .NET)
tlbimp MyCOM .dll /out:MyCOMNetSupport.dll
Add Assembly to Global Assembly Cache
Go to Ms Visual Studio .NET tools shortcut – Command prompt
Gacutil /I YourClassLib.dll
Other stuff
The signcode.exe tool embeds a digital certificate in the assembly. This allows users of the assembly to verify the identity of the assembly's developer by using a public or private trust hierarchy.
Create a key pair and sign the assembly
Sign assembly. Run “sn” utility, add the key file by hand, or use IDE to generate strong name.
1. In the solution explorer, double click on the AssemblyInfo.vb and edit.
2. Modify AssemblyTitle and AssemblyDescription lines to be
- < Assembly: AssemblyTitle(“ClassName”) >
- < Assembly: AssemblyDescription(“.NET Version of PhysServer”) >
3. In the solution Explorer, right click project node, choose “Properties”. Click “Common Properties” folder and then “Strong Name” property page. Select box labeled “Generate Strong Name Using”. Click “Generate Key” to generate a key file and add to the project. Click OK then, build.
Register Assembly and create type library
Go to Ms Visual Studio .NET tools shortcut – Command prompt
Regasn /tlb:YourClassLib.tlb YourClassLib.dll
(for deploying application for COM access)
tlbexp YourClassLib.dll /out: YourClassLib.tlb
(for converting COM to .NET)
tlbimp MyCOM .dll /out:MyCOMNetSupport.dll
Add Assembly to Global Assembly Cache
Go to Ms Visual Studio .NET tools shortcut – Command prompt
Gacutil /I YourClassLib.dll
Other stuff
The signcode.exe tool embeds a digital certificate in the assembly. This allows users of the assembly to verify the identity of the assembly's developer by using a public or private trust hierarchy.