Unix Debugging Cheat Sheet
pmap To check the memory address mapping of the core dumped process. e.g. 036AA000 2592k [heap] So, it means 036AA000 and above is heap address. FFB3A000 [stack] And likewise. Also can be used to check shared memory, shared libraries used and etc. truss -d -o -p System API trace. gcore - o Force core dump Use dbx later to investigate the core file. pstack call stack. ps -ef getting running process PID. Monitor system log file. tail -f /var/adm/SYSLOG tail -f /var/adm/messages tail -f /var/log/syslog ls -l /proc/ /as ps -p -o pmem,vsz,osz,rss,pid To check memory usage. pldd check dependencies pargs check all arguments passed to process. Note: arg[0] is always the process execution path like even Win32. Useful also if the ls -l return truncated path.