Sample generate tags file command ctags -f {tag file location} --recurse --langmap=C++:.C.h.c.cpp.hpp --languages=C++ --extra=+q --fields=+i --verbose {source parent folder e.g. /usr/my_source/} After tag file generated, add set tags= {tag file location 1}, {tag file location 2} to .vimrc in VIM type :set tags= {tag file location 1}, {tag file location 2} or add it to .vimrc in VIM For ultraedit, the ctag parameter is -L %fi -f %fo --language-force=C++ --extra=+q --fields=+i If using VIM as editor, the supported commands are :ts - tag, class definition as priority :tj - tag (can use /pattern or /^pattern. Since it is pattern search, it is not binary search mode which would be slow) :po or ctrl + 't' - older tag search stack ctrl ']' on selected text to call tag search directly. : or to scroll for previous calls (refer ) VIM commands which is useful when use in conjunction with ctags shift + * - start to search...