
Showing posts from 2006

C/C++ Basic - protect data and pointer with const

char * const lpszct = "test"; //protecting pointer char szBuff[10]; strcpy(szBuff, "123"); const char* lpctsz=szBuff; //protecting data pointed. lpszct = "12"; // lpszct ++; // lpctsz[0] = '7'; //

Google Search Cheat Sheet

define:[word] Search word in dictionaries filetype:[ext] Query result with filetyp. E.g. "C++ filetype:pdf" /[country] Limited search to coutry E.g. "food /malaysia /language:[language shorthand] Limited to particular language group. e.g. "cari /language:ms" site:[domain] Limited to a domain. e.g. "thread site:edu" inanchor:[url] Limited search to anchor <a> inurl:[word] Limited search to URL of sites intitle:[word] Limited search to web site title (content inside html title tag i think) intext:[word] Limited search to web site content ...

Kill all my processes in current Unix machine (shell script)

This is a korn shell script, but should work in other shell with little change or none. #created by Anthony Yio, 28 Dec 06 #!/bin/ksh MYUSER=`whoami` for MYPID in `ps -ef | grep $MYUSER | awk '{ print $(2) }' | sort -r` do `kill -9 $MYPID` done

A little perl script to spice up your unix shell startup

Content of perl script ----------- use strict; $/ = "\n%%%\n"; #define separator for array open ARTS, "art.dat" or die $!; my @file = <arts>; my $random = rand(@file); my $ascii_art = $file[$random]; $ascii_art=~s/\n%%%\n//; #remove the separator string print $ascii_art, "\n"; ---------- sample content of art.dat, you can get more from the mentioned web site or newsgroup (sample below taken from ---------- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$*" *$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" "*" *$$$$$$" ^$$$"$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$" z$P"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P e$"e4$b. "$$" d$ $P $$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$" .$$$ J$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" .$Pz$$4$$$$c z" $$*" z$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$ 4$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P z$$4$$%$$$$$$$d " ...

CTags and VIM

Sample generate tags file command ctags -f {tag file location} --recurse --langmap=C++:.C.h.c.cpp.hpp --languages=C++ --extra=+q --fields=+i --verbose {source parent folder e.g. /usr/my_source/} After tag file generated, add set tags= {tag file location 1}, {tag file location 2} to .vimrc in VIM type :set tags= {tag file location 1}, {tag file location 2} or add it to .vimrc in VIM For ultraedit, the ctag parameter is -L %fi -f %fo --language-force=C++ --extra=+q --fields=+i If using VIM as editor, the supported commands are :ts - tag, class definition as priority :tj - tag (can use /pattern or /^pattern. Since it is pattern search, it is not binary search mode which would be slow) :po or ctrl + 't' - older tag search stack ctrl ']' on selected text to call tag search directly. : or to scroll for previous calls (refer ) VIM commands which is useful when use in conjunction with ctags shift + * - start to search...

Operator overload

A a; if(a) { } } boost style (typedef T * (this_type::*unspecified_bool_type)() const;operator unspecified_bool_type() const // never throws{return px == 0? 0: &this_type::get;}) if (a == "ss") Foo(std::string const& s); Foo(std::string s); bool operator==(Foo const& lhs, Foo const& rhs); For [] int& operator[] (unsigned i) { return data[i]; } class A { public: enum enA { A1, A2, A3 }; A() { } ~A() { } operator A::enA() { return A2; } }; void Fn(A::enA e) { std::cout } when A a; Fn(a); // Will call Fn(A::enA) due to overload of operator A::enA()

C++ Heap Corruption example

class A { A(int i) { text = (char *)malloc(sizeof (char *)) ; } A() { text = (char *)malloc(sizeof (char *)) ; } virtual ~A() { if(text != 0) { free(text); text = 0; } } }; void main() { A a; a = A(123); }

Polymorphism or inheritance watch out

class B { char *str; B(){str = new char[100];} ~B(){delete [] str;} }; class D : public B { D(){} ~D(){} }; B* pB = new D;delete pB; // resource leak cause the base destructor (class B) wasn't call. Solution 1: The base class "MUST" declare destructor as virtual. e.g. virtual ~B(){delete [] str;} Solution 2: (a prevention mechanism to C++) By declaring class as final so that can't inherit the class. C++ itself does not have final, concept taken from Java. E.g. or use class __declspec(novtable) YourClassName

Excel VBA

A macro I used to creat the hyperlinks to another sheet which is in sequence Sub CreateLinks() Dim i, j, NoNeeded As Integer i = 19 'copy source start row j = 2 'copy destination start row NoNeeded = 500 'number of links Dim cellSelect As String Dim cellTarget As String For j = 2 To NoNeeded cellSelect = "A" & CStr(j) Range(cellSelect).Select cellTarget = "!A" & CStr(i) ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="", SubAddress:=_ "'UNKNOWN (1)'" & cellTarget, TextToDisplay:="'UNKNOWN (1)'" & cellTarget i = i + 1 Next j End Sub

standard C++ OOP features (codes)

#include "stdafx.h" #include cstdlib> #include iostream> #define OUT using namespace std; class A { private : int iMyNum; void APrivateFunc() { } public : A() { iMyNum = 100; } friend ostream& operator //made as friend function for performance reason void MyFunc() { printf( "myfunct" ); } }; ostream&operator class B : private A { public : B():A() { } int iMyB; using A::MyFunc; //only for the member variables which already originaly //accessible but during inheris access specifier specify as private instead of public //using A::APrivateFunc; //this is not valid APrivateFunc before that is a private function. }; class A1 { protected : int iMyA1; public : int GetMyA1() { return iMyA1;} }; class B1: public A1 { public : int iMyB1; B1():A1() { } B1 & operator = (A1 &a1) { A1::iMyA1 = a1.GetMyA1(); return * this ; } }; // o (based) // /\ // o o (derived) // \ / // o (grandchild) //hybrid inheritance base class class Base { in...